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20 June 2023 08:30-17:30Impact Hub Stockholm

Tuesday, June 20

08.30 - 17.30

Welcome to a day full of inspiration, co-creation, networking, and knowledge sharing!

Join us for Impact Day next Tuesday June 20th, a day where you can get deeper into climate action, effective policy decisions , and impacting the world together!

 Impact Day is a full-day program to engage people from both the public and private sector, academia and NGOs - as well as big and small businesses, in exciting and important conversations that can multiply their impact. 

The program:

08.30 - 09.45 - Doors open and breakfast bar

10 - 11.00 - Redefining sustainable cities, a conversation with Robin Rushdi Al-Sálehi, founder of Vakansa

11 - 12.00 Impact Leadership Series: Exploring Climate, Impact, and Policy: Insights from Kajsa Fernström Nåtby, hosted by Global Shapers Stockholm chapter

12 - 13.00 -  Lunch with Sizzle

13 - 14.00 - introducing the TEDx Community in Stockholm hour! Panel of discussion with Anna König Jerlmyr - Former Major of Stockholm; Mounia Borg, Former diplomat; Maja Bosnic, public finance and gender budget expert, Lova Unge, Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Expert at Scania Group. 

16 - 17.30 - Networking and Mingle

*Bonus event: Work on your project meetup! 18-20.00 Co-organised by Sissa Pagel and Emily Thorselius. Sign up here.

Some practicalities...

Is it your first time visiting us or do you know your way in? Just in case you need some guidance: our space is in the first floor and you will see us if you go straight forward. Doors open at 8.30 am.

 About Impact Hub Stockholm

Impact Hub Stockholm is part of a global network that supports 24.000+ impact-driven entrepreneurs and innovators by connecting them with 100s of organizations, investors and the public sector.

Why? To accelerate the transition to a more just and sustainable future. 

How? Through enabling collaboration for impactful and scalable solutions.

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